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Auto remove warning from the PC - BF3 ladder: Team IPX

Your PC – BF3 team “Team IPX” will be removed in a week if you do not have a full squad of at least 10 members.

Thank you,
CyberGamer Support


yeah just got this

if you guys want to play then we need more ppl to accept the invites.
But as you know im not that keen on CNQ

Microman's picture

Me me me me

Holidays have started (will be working Tuesdays and Fridays, so Monday and Thursday nights will be out)! I can play pretty much every game. The only thing is I’m level 9, and haven’t unlocked much other than assault stuff.

Am I in the team?

Sha8doW's picture

Will accept

When I get back in town

Well I'm up for it?

With the BOD blessing I have said I’m happy to run it. But with most of us very low level it would be pure fun nothing serious. If we can get a team together that is?

Sha8doW's picture


You don’t need BOD blessin to get involved mate! Grab the reigns, am sure Matty and Limpy would love the extra pairs of eyes and hands

Ok cool

Was more hoping they would ok the more casual nature. I dont think we will be winning any games, and with the limited numbers we have I think some forfeit are going to be pretty common. Any how, guess I will start chasing down people then.

Sha8doW's picture

Am sure we'll

Field something! And as always we are for the LoLs not the championship rings (you get that kinda thing when you come to an event like shads party, still got my bracelet on!!!!)


Well unless 1 more person accepts real soon, it will be gone any way. Maybe once every thing is kicked up and running I will rehash the idea.

Sha8doW's picture

spuddy and I

have joined

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